Automotive Website Design & Marketing

A GC Linked Case Study

GC Linked and PD Detailing & Protection: Powering Up Auto Business πŸ’ΌπŸš€

Web Design


Increased Leads


Increased Sales

Here at GC Linked, we’ve got a knack for firing up businesses of all shapes and sizes, but we’ve got a real soft spot for automotive gems like PDDetailing & Protection. Let’s take you through our journey of revamping this business with our magic touch.

automotive website design services

The Mission 🎯

PDDDetailing & Protection, specialising in ‘New Car Protection in Brisbane‘, needed a digital facelift. They wanted a modern, user-friendly website that reflected their top-tier services and a killer digital marketing strategy to match.

The Strategy πŸ’‘

Our SEO geniuses at GC Linked rolled up their sleeves and got to work. We designed a sleek, navigable website packed with interactive features. A blend of classy visuals and SEO-rich content that not only reflected PDD’s brand ethos but also shot them up the Google rankings. We provided our best SEO services and Google ADs marketing strategies to get the results.

The Magic 🌟

The results? Stellar, if we may say so ourselves. Our SEO wizards sprinkled their magic, and before we knew it, PDD Detailing & Protection was comfortably sitting on Google’s page 1 for their key service – ‘New Car Paint Protection’. No small feat, mind you!

Not just that, our marketing maestros crafted tailored Google Ads and Facebook campaigns that hit the bullseye. We watched the leads pour in and PDD’s online visibility soar. A classic GC Linked success story.

Fear of Missing Out? 😱

PDD is still our regular client for all their digital needs in Brisbane. Don’t you wonder what your business could achieve with the right digital marketing partner?

Whether you’re an auto business or run a local cafe, we at GC Linked have the digital marketing chops to turbocharge your business. Experience a new wave of growth and visibility that leaves your competitors in the dust. Don’t let fear hold you back.

Ready to take the plunge? Click that call-to-action button and let GC Linked power up your digital journey. πŸ’ͺπŸš€

Enough Talk, Let's Work Together